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Dr. Carson on Trump’s Stamina, Presidential Abilities To Logically Delegate Fairly for GOP Joe The Plumber U.S.S.C. Justices, Economy, Foreign Policy The Bible and Prayer

Dr. Ben Carson and Rita Cosby WABC Radio Interview Transcript: Trump The Real Man And The GOP and Cruz!
Transcribe By Johnnie Roy Maul Sunday, April 10, 2016 07:50 PM

The following transcripts of the Rita Cosby WABC Radio Interview with Dr. Ben Carson on Mr. Donald J. Trump’s Stamina, Presidential Abilities To Logically Delegate Fairly for the GOP, Joe The Plumber, U.S.S.C. Justices, Economy, Foreign Policy and dealing with Cruz and everyday campaign problems by using the Bible and Prayer more often!

Rita Cosby: “Dr. Ben Carson, great to have you on the show! Have you talk to Donald Trump lately, he’s been laying kind of low?

Dr. Carson: “Yes I have, he is an amazing individual the stamina it takes to go to all these places to fend off all the unfair criticism, it’s not an easy task and the faint of heart, will not undertake it!”

Rita Cosby: “What has he been saying to you? What is he thinking? What has he been doing?
How are his spirits? Because he hasn’t been doing to many media things in the last few days since Wisconsin?”
Dr. Carson: “He is thinking logically, what is it of that concerns people, and what are the things he can do to elevate them one of his concerns are to put out a slate of supreme court nominees, so that the conservative community will have the opportunity and can see what type of people he is thinking about. To relieve their anxiety.

Rita Cosby: “Is that top priority for him? And when will you think we will see that?

Dr. Carson: “That is one of them obviously, you know, he needs, the biggest problem is that people need to know that is they need to see the real man here, you see the television personality the reality TV personality, That’s not the real person, and he got to find a way to find the real individual and I think that people will be much more comfortable

Rita Cosby: “Do you think that people will find him a different person?” “Do you think we will see a new Donald Trump, when he emerges?”

Dr. Carson: “I don’t think it will be an overnight transition” “But I think you are going to start seeing that transition!” “That I’ve said continually, that this is a man that, heads up a huge empire, worldwide, an he clearly has the ability to delegate, he couldn’t possibly run that all by himself! And more importantly that it’s so hard to find anybody that has work for him to say they don’t like him! Which means he’s fair to people! All up and down the line form the Top to the Bottom! And I think that is something we need right now, because what we’ve (seen said?) in recent years depending who is in office, this is my favorite group, and they get special treatment, everybody should get special treatment!

Rita Cosby: “Do you believe we will see a more tone down Donald Trump, a newly shape Donald Trump? And if he will, soon?”

Dr. Carson: “Yes, absolutely!”

Rita Cosby: “Tell me more about what you think we will see?”

Dr. Carson: “ I think you will see a person, who talks more about policy, and talks about things that concerns the average individual. Talking the reason that Joe The Plumber is having such a hard time saving up for the retirement, because the interest rates are so low!” I think you will hear him talking about that! About the effects about regulations have about every part of our lives!”

Rita Cosby: “Does he recognize that he has some repair to do? Obviously, he was clearly not happy with the results of Wisconsin? That a lot of people have criticized the way he handle his statement afterwards?”

Dr. Carson: “Yes, he does realize that!” “It takes sometimes a changing of the environment, to recognize the things they need to do and by the same token, I have seen a lot of reports that I had very high favorability ratings, he had very low favorability ratings and that doesn’t seem to translate into votes one way or another. I’m not sure what a difference it makes? Having said that it still is important to be sensitive to people!”

Rita Cosby: “Does he recognize that he has to change the tone?”

Dr. Carson: “Yes, he definitely knows that and I think we heard from him last week, say how presidential he is going to start being! It easier said than done obviously, But again for him it’s a matter of switching over to his normal persona, opposed to the apprentice persona!”

Rita Cosby: “Do you believe he has clearly been the Apprentice persona and maybe realizing that not going to take me all the way, to the nomination?”

Dr. Carson: “That may have gotten you to point A. But now you got to go to point B. and C. Sometimes that requires a little change in direction.”

Rita Cosby: “Do you believe that will be a more substantive change Mr. Carson? And how so?”

Dr. Carson: “I think he is going to start doing some policy speeches that addresses the economy, certain aspects of foreign policy, as opposed to the standard Trump speech!”

Rita Cosby: “Does he realize too that, that he has made some mistakes, sometimes I think that people want him to say that well, I should not have said that? He has kind of temper some remarks, but, not enough I think?”

Dr. Carson: “ I think we heard form him last week and it was it seems surprising to some people (small polite, laugh), and there is no one that is perfect, and a lot of people in the media expect perfection! Your suppose to be perfect!, And if your not Oh my Gosh, what are you doing here? (pause) It’s not just one person it’s sort of a culture that we have developed and it’s to say you were wrong is a sign of weakness! Which is just craziness, and everybody can be wrong there is no perfect person!”

Rita Cosby: “Do you think we will see a more gracious a more humble Donald Trump, in the near future?”

Dr. Carson: “ I certainly hope so.”

Dr. Carson: “The media expects perfection and nobody is perfect person!”

Rita Cosby: “What advice would give him, Dr. Carson?”

Dr. Carson: “Read the bible and pray, and (pause), learn how to put yourself in other people’s shoes,(pause), that’s what did it for me! As many people know, I have a pretty horrible temper! I came to understand, that after I attempted to stab another youngster, that to lash out at people would see that as not a sign of strength but a sign of weakness and that other people can control you and the environment can control you, and if you did it on a regular (basses) it meant that you were selfish, it was all about, me, my, and I want this, you took my thing, (pause), Learn how to step out of the circle and learn how to be like other people. It will be very difficult for anybody to make you angry, “Proverbs 19:11 says, ‘the glory of a man to pass over a transgression.’ Just because somebody does something wrong, you don’t have to jump up and down.” (Pause).

Rita Cosby: “What would you say to Donald Trump now?”

Dr. Carson: “The same things, I just said, that is what, I’d say to him!”

Rita Cosby: “Do you believe it will be tight for and difficult for him to reach the 1237?”

Dr. Carson, “I think anybody recognizes that its going to be very, very, difficult for him, but it’s still possible (pause), and I think a little bit, of more towards the compassionate side, opposed to the tuff side, would help quite a bit!”

Rita Cosby: “You believe he could possibly reach it, if he changes a bit, the strategy?”

Dr. Carson: “I do believe so, yes absolutely, because the republican base is not completely stupid and they realize that, if we put somebody in there, who, who has not won by the people, it’s going to be a disaster! And they also know that, the other alternative, Ted Cruz tends to be a very polarizing figure, the likelihood of him bringing over the moderates and democrats, is almost zero. So, what, are the alternatives? And people at some point will begin to ask themselves, and act according!”

Rita Cosby: “Are you surprised? How much the republican establishment has done everything to anti-Trump almost?”

Dr. Carson: “We’ll not really because as you know the republican’s typically find a way to snatch the candidate, I don’t care how good the situation is they will fine a way eventually to mess it up!”

Rita Cosby: “Do you believe in the end, he will still be our nominee?”

Dr. Carson: “I do believe that.”

Rita Cosby: “ And do you believe that at the convention or prior to the convention?”

Dr. Carson: “I think it will be, very close, one way, or the other, I don’t know, but what I’m really hoping for is, that cooler heads prevail, all over. That if shenanigans are engaged in? Or if the people get the impression that shenanigans are being engage in! And you dampen their enthusiasm, and then you guarantee and election of another progressive government with two to four Supreme Court Justices picks and America as we know it is gone and your children and grandchildren and your great-grandchildren will regret tremendously, what we have just done to them!”

Rita Cosby: “Do you believe, that voters will just be turn off that much by the process?”

Dr. Carson: “Absolutely!”
Rita Cosby: “Well, Dr. Carson, always great to get your perspective and thank you so much for joining us on the show!

Dr. Carson: “It’s always a pleasure.”

Dr. Ben Carson and Rita Cosby WABC Radio Interview Transcript: Trump The Real Man And The GOP and Cruz!
Transcribe By Johnnie Roy Maul Sunday, April 10, 2016 07:50 PM

In conclusion as stated March 26, 2016 by Dr. Carson on Fox and Friends, “If there are shenanigans, if it’s not straight forward, at the republican convention all of those millions of people, that Mr. Trump has brought into the arena are not going to stay there and the republicans are going to lose, it’s going to be absolute destruction. So the real question is? Are the establish Republicans, who they say don’t exist! They say there is no such thing! Yeah right! Republicans are they more concerned, about maintaining control and retaining their position, or are they more concern about America!”

By Johnnie Roy Maul April 10, 2016

April 10, 2016

About Author

Johnnie R. Maul

ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST To “Dr. Carson on Trump’s Stamina, Presidential Abilities To Logically Delegate Fairly for GOP Joe The Plumber U.S.S.C. Justices, Economy, Foreign Policy The Bible and Prayer”

  1. Johnnie R. Maul says:

    Thank you for the impute! I just listen and transcribe, and, I really can’t write anything, but what is said, or I’d be misquoting the person. So, let’s review your writing and I’ll correct it for you. Next time proofread your articles, before posting. There were a lot of typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors, which make’s reading, an article annoying. Also it make’s the reader wonder, about the educational level, and or the intelligence, of the writer and or the transcriber! Sincerely yours, Johnnie Roy Maul

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